Zayd had it made. His new owner, Me, loved him and understood him. He did not want to be part of a pack, sharing the person he owned with other canines. When his person was at home in her apartment, he graciously welcomed other human females into their domain to receive well-deserved compliments and stroking. But Zayd would not tolerate intrusion by a male. At the slightest whiff of testosterone, his teeth-baring, growling fury would take over. He would courageously protect his person and his domain with his life. However, it was reasonable to panic and hide in the closet when stormy weather filled the air with booming sounds.
In return for all Zayd did, his human fed him well, took him to a vet when needed, walked him twice a day and generally doted on him. In return, he shared the big soft bed with her, as long as she didn’t take up too much room or pull the covers.

Zayd tried to be good to her, but then — the unforgivable. An inkling of what was to come emerged when she brought another female (Pet Sitter was her name) into the apartment Continue reading